Wonderway Coach's automated scorecard completion isn't confined to pre-existing sales methodologies. Our tool empowers you to create an unlimited number of Custom Scorecards, allowing you to tailor your call evaluations to your organisation's unique needs.
Each sales team has its unique playbook – and it's the same with their scorecards. Custom Scorecards provide the flexibility you need whether on an organisational, team, or individual level. They cater to your specific requirements and help focus on particular skill sets or processes that your team needs to enhance.
Custom Scorecards aren't just about larger strategic adjustments; they also cater to the particular needs of individual reps. If certain members of your team need to concentrate on specific skills or parts of the process, Custom Scorecards offer a means to track and encourage that improvement.
Start leveraging the benefits of automated scorecard completion in the most personalised way possible. Create your Custom Scorecards and let Wonderway Coach's AI handle the rest, tracking your team's unique adherence to your playbook with ease.
Real sales coaching onEVERY. SINGLE. CALL.
Train, upskill, and certify your sales team
Verity - Combe Grove
Onboarding use case - Virtuagym
Personalized training use case - Babbel
Certifications use case - Modern Luxury
Onboarding use case - Forto
Sales training use case - Validity