Monday, January 23, 2023
7 Sales Games that will boost your team’s performance

Whether your sales team needs extra motivation or just a short activity to lift up the spirit, Wonderway compiled seven sales games that can spark reps’ creativity and confidence! This is a great way to train your team’s mindset and improve their performance.
They are short sales games, easy to implement, and can be played both on-site and remotely! Definitely, a great addition to your current training setup.
1. The greatest sales stories ever told

Time: 10-15 min
Salespeople tell their favorite stories and identify what they did well and what effect these efforts had on a customer.
Ask salespeople to think about their biggest sales achievement to date. It may be the largest sale or even a small sale or achievement that was particularly challenging. Ask salespeople to take another few minutes to identify what, specifically, they did that made their achievement and what effect these efforts had on the customer.
2. Mission Possible

Time: 20-25 min
In this activity, participants will create a mission statement for themselves and for their team/department. This activity is ideal for injecting a new sense of meaning to work.
Discuss the concept of the mission statement. Share with your team the company’s mission statement. Put salespeople into groups (either different rooms within Zoom or separate meeting links) of three to five, and explain that their job is to work together to come up with a brief mission statement for their department.
Review the following questions and tell the teams to discuss the answers to those questions before beginning to write the mission statement (10 minutes):
- Why do customers remember us?
- How do customers feel after they interact with us?
- What do customers tell friends about us?
- In what ways do we help one another in our department?
- How does our department support the general aim of our company?
Listen to the mission statements of each team and discuss them as needed. Be sure the mission statements don’t contradict your company’s one. Select the best one and use it as the “official” mission statement of your department. If you have more time, have each team member write a personal mission statement that complements the statement written by the department.
3. Salesperson of the Year

Time: 10-15 min
The Salesperson “plan” the awards ceremony held in their honor as a result of being named the “Salesperson of the Year”. This activity provides an opportunity for the salesperson to visualize a successful result of their work, and it gives the manager/trainer insight into the character and the motivations of each salesperson. Note: You can also call it “SDR of the Year” or “AE of the Year”, depending on your company’s sales structure.
Tell salespeople to imagine they’ve just been named Salesperson of the Year. Their task is to plan the awards ceremony to be held in their honor. There’s no budget, and the only guideline is that they can’t break any company’s rules. They have 10 minutes to write.
Encourage salespeople to think creatively and to have some fun with this. It’s their opportunity to plan their “dream celebration”! To get them started, ask them to consider the following:
- Theme
- The number of Participants
- Venue
- Activities
- Menu
When they have finished, ask each participant to share their plans.
4. Think on your feet!

Time: 10 min
This is an active, high-spirited game in which participants hear a product feature and must immediately respond with a corresponding benefit.
Prepare a list of product features before beginning the game.
Pick one sales rep and as you call out the feature to one of your products. The chosen person must respond with a corresponding benefit of such a feature. Then. this sales rep calls another rep’s name who has to say another benefit, and this goes on until you pick a different product feature. It should be 4 benefits per feature.
5. Super Sleuthing

Time: 15 - 20 min
Pairs compete in a mock contest to come up with background information they need about a company before making a sales call and with potential sources for finding that information.
Pick a prospect account. Tell the salespeople they will be working in pairs and participating in a Super Sleuth contest to determine the team with the most creative ideas for uncovering information about the prospect. The purpose of the contest is to come up with the three most critical things they need to know about a prospective company before making a sales call, and with creative ways of finding that information. Encourage the sales reps to be as creative as possible in coming up with their ideas. When they present the ideas, take a vote to see which team wins.
6. Alphabet Improv

Time: 15 min
Divide your sales reps into pairs. One is the salesperson, the other is the prospect/buyer. This is a roleplay where the salesperson starts with a sentence with the letter A, then the prospect/buyer answers with “B”, then C; then D, until Z. This is a way to add difficulty to a sales interaction (it can be a cold call, discovery, demo, negotiation).
Salesrep: Ana, may I ask you a few questions?
Prospect: Be my guest!
Salesrep: Cool, thanks! So the first one is…
7. Building Rapport

Time: 20 - 30 min
In this activity, salespeople examine their own preferences for business interactions (including sales situations) and compare them with the preferences of their customers. The objective of the activity is for salespeople to learn that it is easy to customize a sales presentation to individual prospects.
Review the handout sheets. Explain that some people are more relationship-oriented and some people are more task-oriented. Ask participants to make a mental mark on the y-axis as to where they fall in this continuum. Then explain that some people are fast-paced and others are slow-paced, some move quickly whereas others move slowly. Ask the participants to make a mental mark on the x-axis as to where they fall on this continuum. Then have the participants put themselves into one quadrant, based on their two marks. Ask them to consider someone they get along with very well and determine which quadrant that person belongs to. Then have them do the same with someone they find difficult. Discuss the results.
Distribute the handout and give participants a few moments to review it. Explain that there is no right or wrong quadrant, each quadrant has its positives and negatives. Point out that the problem arises when a person from a quadrant enters a business transaction with a person from another quadrant, particularly if the people are in diametrically opposed quadrants.
For example, a Q1 customer may feel that a Q3 salesperson is overly aggressive. Or a Q2 customer may feel that a Q4 salesperson doesn’t care much about building a long-term relationship.
Ask participants to think about some of their customers and potential customers. How can they adapt their discoveries and demos to put the buyer at ease? Discuss it.