Monday, September 25, 2023
The Tip of the Iceberg

Beyond the Software Cost: The True Expense of Traditional Conversation Intelligence Tools
In the ever-evolving landscape of sales, coaching remains paramount. While conversation intelligence tools have been a staple for years, the sands are shifting. Once considered cutting-edge, these traditional tools are now being overtaken in the new era of AI sales coaches. But before exploring the new age of sales coaching, let’s clear a misconception: conversation intelligence tools don't coach—they merely facilitate the process for human managers. If managers don’t embrace them, their value diminishes to zero.
1. The Hidden Investment of Traditional Conversation Intelligence Tools:
The Tip of the Iceberg: Software Cost
While initial prices may seem manageable, they're but a minor part of the whole cost narrative. What follows can be an avalanche of unseen expenses and time commitments.
The Real Cost of Implementation:
- Culture Change: Implementing these older tools requires not just technical adjustments but a holistic culture shift towards coaching and feedback—a task easier said than done.
- Resource Allocation: Further costs arise with potential staffing changes and perhaps, dedicated QA teams. For example, several companies I know of had so much trouble getting their managers to watch calls they had to set SLAs for weekly calls watched. When that didn’t work they had to tie the SLA to their bonuses which took a monumental effort to introduce and police.
- Training Costs: Managers are often promoted because they are good at selling. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily good at coaching. If you assume that giving managers access to coaching tools is immediately going to make them great coaches. Guess again.
- Reinforcement & Measurement: Ensuring these tools deliver persistent value mandates regular checks and balances.
The Pitfalls of Relying Heavily on Human Feedback:
- Bias & Inconsistency: Human managers, are susceptible to biases and variable feedback quality. Everyone has good days and bad days and we have all had easy and hard bosses. This lends itself to inconsistent scoring within and across teams making it almost impossible to compare coaching feedback across different reps and managers.
- The Random Selection Problem: With innumerable calls and limited hours, essential calls might be lost to random selection.
- Time Constraints: Given that managers monitor 8 sales reps, dedicating 4 hours weekly to call-listening consumes 10% of their work hours—and salary. With their significant compensation packages, we must ask: is mere call listening truly maximizing their value?
2. Contextual AI: The Streamlined, Comprehensive Solution:
Beyond Keywords: True Call Comprehension
Capitalizing on Language Learning Models (LLMs), AI provides deep contextual understanding, something older tools simply can’t match.
Always Neutral, Always Uniform
Unaffected by human emotions or biases, AI guarantees uniform, neutral feedback.
A Scalable Solution
With AI, as the organization grows, you don’t see a parallel spike in human resource requirements.
It's only getting better
Over the last 12 months, we have seen a step-change in terms of what's possible from LLMs but we are really still only at the beginning of this journey. Personally, I’m super excited by the prospects of what will be possible in 6-12 months.
3. The Cumulative Benefits of AI-Driven Sales Coaching:
Immediate, Holistic Feedback
AI ensures prompt, thorough feedback after every call. It delivers the feedback while the call is still fresh in the sales rep's mind and ensures that not a single learning opportunity slips away.
Enabling Managers to Play Their Crucial Role
It's worth noting: AI doesn't seek to replace the vital managerial role. The manager still plays a valuable role in helping reps understand their areas for improvement and translate that into an action plan. However, our AI coach saves the managers a tonne of time listening to calls. And by crunching enough data, gives confidence that they are focusing their time on the biggest areas for improvement and the highest leverage activities.
Drawing Complete Insights from Full Data
With AI’s capacity to process vast data, businesses can be confident that they aren’t missing any call—leading to richer, more informed decision-making.
The reign of traditional conversation intelligence tools seems to be approaching its twilight. As we stand at the crossroads, businesses have a choice: stick with the dated or embrace the expansive power of AI-driven sales coaching. The path forward appears increasingly evident.
Usher in a new era of sales coaching with AI-driven conversation intelligence. Let's redefine and elevate sales coaching together!